Watch out for the latest Medicare scam—DNA/genetic testing schemes!

Watch out for the latest Medicare scam— DNA/genetic testing schemes!

Older adults at senior centers, housing complexes, and other community locations are targeted by companies promoting “free” genetic testing, cancer screening, or DNA testing. These screenings are frequently done under the guise of an ice cream social event. During the event, older adults are asked to swab their cheek to collect a DNA sample which will be sent to the lab for analysis. They are then told that the test will be covered completely by Medicare, and all that is needed to process it is their Medicare number.

Be aware that Medicare will not pay for genetic testing without a doctor’s prescription that includes the specific need for such a test. People have been stuck with big bills when their insurance plan decided the test was not medically necessary.

This is happening in our area! If you have questions about this or any other senior related scam contact the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) at (435)673-3548.